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Would you buy a car from this government?
So now the government is in the car business. I don’t remember seeing anything in the Constitution allowing the government to buy and run private businesses. This entire thing is a disaster disguised as a bad joke. The government, known for running such cost-efficient enterprises as Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and military procurement, is going to transform GM into a sleek and lean car company for the 21st century. Government is going to have the nimbleness and people skills necessary to respond to millions of customer problems and consumer demand. And Barack Obama is going to be running the show. What could possible go wrong? Automobiles are not the business of government. Had they stayed out of this, GM could have gone into bankruptcy months ago, and taxpayers wouldn’t be out $70 billion. Now we face never-ending infusions of our money, and a government able to use the force of law to rig rules in favor of their pet company. Purchasing their product will only validate their unconstitutional actions and encourage them to eye other industries. So the next time I need a vehicle, I plan do the patriotic thing and buy foreign.
DAVID WELCH Scotia;EntityId=Ar01104 |