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Liberals still blaming Bush for everything
Re Mr. Nick Coupas’ Bush-bashing letter April 2, “GOP absurdly blaming Obama for Bush’s mess”: Here are some facts: It was Clinton who deregulated the banks and pressured Fannie and Freddie to back sub-prime mortgages. Bush had an unprecedented 54 consecutive months of positive growth and job creation because of his “tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans” — who just happen to create 70 percent of American jobs. His “illegal and unjustified wars” were supported by 86 percent of Congress and most major nations. It’s true Bush was left with a nice surplus because Clinton cut our military budget by 40 percent — and the taxes collected by the unexpected job growth of the boom. Unfortunately, we had to spend it on two wars that could have been avoided if Clinton had had the guts to do his job and take out bin Laden when he had him in the crosshairs. But that did not serve him well politically. Obama is leading us off a cliff. Actually, that is not just the Republicans accusing him of that. The Congressional Budget Office said that America “can not sustain the type of spending that the Obama administration is proposing.” If Obama has any desire to be reelected, he needs to get back behind his desk and actually start leading this country from the center, like he campaigned on, instead of letting [House] Speaker Pelosi lead this country farther left than any administration in history. These angry liberals need to move on and realize how the biased media has used them for eight years to advance their agenda.
DOUG FAULISI SR. Schenectady;EntityId=Ar02605 |