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Sch'dy County Should Consolidate Police Forces
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March 28, 2009, 11:52am Report to Moderator

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I AM NOT FOR 'CONSOLIDATING' THE POLICE AT ALL. The government that governs best governs the closest to the people. Let Stratton and his commissioner try to manage the problem like any other executive has to, in any government. If they DID consolidate, the cost savings would be gone in an instant since that would entail new buildings, new cars, new equipment and the forming of a new organization. Any idea of savings will quickly diminish as the wont of government is to build a bigger, more entrenched bureaucracy than already exists. even the idea that we are to save money with some centralized dispatch is specious since a new command bunker will need to be built to modern regulatory standards which would make an ICBM silo pale. Mark my words.

The 'feud' that developed this week was a carefully organized stunt for Savage and Stratton to play to their bases in their respective districts. It was scripted in such as way as to make Speilberg or Preminger envious. Each of them looked oh so heroic as they "fought" like Bravehearts on the public stage to maintain careful public order and safety in their fiefdoms!

So, NO, it won't happen. It is all show. Stratton needs to look like he is William Wallace being drawn and quartered on the stage, Savage looks like Joan de Arc and they both come out to their voters as the greatest thing since sliced bead. Hoooooray! Encore!!!

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 60 - 150
March 29, 2009, 4:28am Report to Moderator
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Private Message Reply: 61 - 150
benny salami
March 29, 2009, 9:16am Report to Moderator
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Its great to see the Democrats in a circular firing squad. Ready, Fire, Aim!

    The Daily snooze can't let this stuna idea die. It's over and the fat lady has sang. Did you see the Mayor's press conference? Too funny. Another "feasibility study". If you're not up to the job, resign. Graham is right but I think the Mayor's pitiful performance is beyond anyone's lowest exceptions. Stop blaming the Unions for the pathetic City "management".
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Private Message Reply: 62 - 150
March 29, 2009, 11:15am Report to Moderator
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I tend to agree with Michael. If Stratton gets the wink from Cuomo....Suzie is toast. And even though I agree that Stratton is, in part,responsible for this situation with the cops....Suzie is just adding to her own empire. And for that reason I am skeptical of the solution from either Stratton or Suzie.

Neither of them are looking out for 'our' best interest, or what is in the best interest for the county. It is just political pandering and policial positioning by both of them. And for that reason, I say...abolish them all and contract out the state police.

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 63 - 150
March 30, 2009, 9:29am Report to Moderator
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So, where does this issue stand?  Will Stratton continue to work his reported "connections" with Attorney General Cuomo and President Obama to force this upon the county despite Ms. Savage's position that she doesn't support consolidation.  Or will Ms. Savage spurn Stratton's advances and render him and his position irrelevant?  Who possesses the power and renders the final word?

Martial Law ...  Will it or won't it be imposed in Schenectady County?

BTW, great editorial cartoon.

E-mail Reply: 64 - 150
March 30, 2009, 10:34am Report to Moderator
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I don't trust Stratton or Suzie. I would love to see both of them come up with egg on their face. So I do not support either idea they may have.

Abolish the bunch and contract the state police.

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 65 - 150
March 30, 2009, 11:42am Report to Moderator
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the boys in blue in all of these here department do do a good job weather you repubs think so or you dont and although I am not the biggest fan of that Stratton I did like some things especially since he rebuilt the downtown and is not a repub but he is all wrong on this here
E-mail Reply: 66 - 150
benny salami
March 30, 2009, 12:10pm Report to Moderator
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Stratton has egg on his face-Ms. Savage will gets hers in November. She doesn't have Eidens to ride. Stratton has done nothing for Downtown. Wait he attended the opening of a Subway! He has raised spending over 45%, chased away dozens of businesses, while double taxing for garbage collection. The City Council is the biggest bunch of rubber stamps in this State. They won't even admit there is a crime/gang crisis.

    The State Police cannot take over. They are ticket writers not beat cops. The County force idea is finished no matter how many more times the Gazetto pushes it. The only solution is that the Mayor finally lead or get the hell out of the way and resign.
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Private Message Reply: 67 - 150
March 30, 2009, 12:42pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from benny salami
The only solution is that the Mayor finally lead or get the hell out of the way and resign.
And then what benny? Do you honestly think that things, including the SPD will be 'all better'? Hardly! I'm not a stratton or suzie fan, but it would just be a pipe dream to think things would be all hunkie dorie if they were gone. It goes far and beyond them. They are mere puppets and front men/women for the corruptness that lies beneath!  You 'gotta' know that!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 68 - 150
March 30, 2009, 7:07pm Report to Moderator
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Mr.Cuomo is laying pipe.....why didn't Obama 'fire' financial execs and only an auto exec?--He's letting Cuomo take that bull by the horns....

....that would be the money aspect.....

Mr.Stratton asking 'what to do about the police' to Mr.Cuomo.....He's letting Mr.Cuomo take that bull by the horns.......

.....that would be the guns aspect.......

those who control the guns control the masses
those who control the money control the masses

Dog and Pony????? Smoke and Mirrors?????? basic human nature at battle????? absolute power corrupts absolutely.......

go ahead,,,consolidate.....who are the arbitors....who are the leaders etc etc????????

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 69 - 150
March 31, 2009, 9:24am Report to Moderator
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City could solve police problems by using its disciplinary authority

    I am responding to the March 27 editorial [”A ‘friendly’ slap in the face”] regarding Mayor Stratton’s proposal for a countywide police force. Consolidation does not provide any magic solution for the city police force.
    One argument made for a countywide police force is that the city does not have adequate authority to impose discipline. That argument is incorrect. Under section 137 of the Second Class Cities Law, the police commissioner is the sole trier of fact and the sole determiner of punishment to be meted out subject only to limited court review. Based upon recent court decisions, that provision supplants the union contract provision. Although the police union has challenged that position, section 137 is in place and most observers expect that it will be upheld.
    Section 137 replaces a contract arbitration provision under which in 40 years no city determination of guilt or innocence has ever been reversed by an arbitrator, and only two penalties have been reduced by an arbitrator. Nevertheless, this contract provision no longer applies; section 137 applies. Section 137 grants the city even greater authority to impose discipline — more than under any contract or any other provision of law.
    A second argument made for a countywide police force is that the city could somehow eliminate its collective bargaining agreement or its employees. That is also incorrect. Under Civil Service Law section 209-a.1(d), it is an improper practice for a public employer to unilaterally transfer bargaining unit work to non-bargaining unit employees. Such transfer of unit work would require union agreement, and one would expect that the police union would require transfer of all officers and most, if not all, of the contract provisions to be carried over as a basis for any agreement. Further, consolidation would remove discipline from the extremely strong management, section 137 of the Second Class Cities Law, and in all probability revert fully to the contractual provision, which 137 has supplanted.
    The city of Schenectady needs realistic solutions. These solutions rest upon a realistic evaluation of the legal framework, and they are within the grasp of the city, if properly utilized.

Schenectady The writer is the Schenectady County attorney.     

Private Message Reply: 70 - 150
March 31, 2009, 10:15am Report to Moderator
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quoted from salvatore
although I am not the biggest fan of that Stratton I did like some things especially since he rebuilt the downtown and is not a repub but he is all wrong on this here


you are aganst mayor stratton  you like ms savage and think that shes rite  how dare you speak bad of
mr stratton!  you are not a smart man you are a SCIOCCO!!!  
E-mail Reply: 71 - 150
benny salami
March 31, 2009, 10:52am Report to Moderator
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Mayor Stratton should lead or get the hell out of the way. He does not have the decency to resign in disgrace. Try firing the bad apples, try admitting crime and gangs are out of control, try acting like a Mayor. Maybe you can win an Academy Award?

     The biggest problem in the City is not the "union" but the fact that Peter G lost by a couple hundred votes. Peter has business experience and would command the respect of the troops. Really funny how the snooze wants to blame everyone but the Mayor who is responsible for this mess, who has no clue how to proceed AND who voted for the Union contract. Wake up-the County force trial ballon has been popped by Ms. Savage. AG Cuomo is not wasting time saving Stratton from himself. Even Sal gets it.
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Private Message Reply: 72 - 150
March 31, 2009, 11:38am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Quoted from benny salami:
The biggest problem in the City is not the "union" but the fact that Peter G lost by a couple hundred votes. Peter has business experience and would command the respect of the troops.

Doesn't Peter Guiderelli have personal ties to the police?  Can he negotiate a contract with the police union that will represent the interests of both the police officers and the taxpaying public?
E-mail Reply: 73 - 150
benny salami
March 31, 2009, 12:07pm Report to Moderator
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Can Stratton? No he is too busy whining about a County force. That even Ms. Savage thinks is stuna. If the Union contract is the problem-why did Stratton vote for it?
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Private Message Reply: 74 - 150
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