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What To Do About GITMO - AGAIN!
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January 26, 2009, 10:10am Report to Moderator

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I say, put them up at the Bellagio and take them out for steaks at Peter Lugar's and all will be well. Maybe they will now grow to love America since we are being so fair to them and giving them the same rights we give our citizens, and better rights than we give our own troops. Like the little children said in the song, Obama's gonna' change the world!!!

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 15 - 102
January 26, 2009, 8:17pm Report to Moderator
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Everyone has forgotten the visuals of what actually  happened on 911! They forgot the shock, the prayers, the patriotism, the tears, the screams, the anger!!! Everyone has forgotten and has become complacent. Everyone has lost the edge.

Let us not forget that the radical Islamists HATE us and want us DEAD and HEADLESS!!! And unfortunately it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Heck...the bad guys could be the guy/girl cashing you out at a convenient store or gas station. So why the heck are we even taking the chance by letting these guys in GITMO go or making sure that they have 'rights'! Americans need to stop drooling over obama and start showing their outrage with this entire GITMO issue!   PAAALLLEEEZZZZZ!!!!!!!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 16 - 102
January 26, 2009, 8:29pm Report to Moderator
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The Obama craze won't end until one of the lovable abused terrorists from Gitmo shove a bomb up their butts then reality will set in but it'll be too late.
Private Message Reply: 17 - 102
January 26, 2009, 8:45pm Report to Moderator
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There was a father who lost his son in the 911 attack who was on the news. He went to GITMO. While he was there, there were some prisners who told him that they were GLAD they killed his son!!!! YUP..Let's give them all steak dinners and turn the whitehouse into a mosque!!!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 18 - 102
January 27, 2009, 7:34am Report to Moderator
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The ones still left in Gitmo are the hard core terrorists who will never be rehabilitated or ever stop trying to kill us infidels until they are all killed.
Private Message Reply: 19 - 102
Kevin March
January 28, 2009, 11:09pm Report to Moderator

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...Now available at
with the added Obama's "Above my Paygrade" hot sauce for an extra $1.99!

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Site Private Message YIM Reply: 20 - 102
February 4, 2009, 12:19pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Cheney warns of new attacks
Jim VandeHei, John F. Harris, Mike Allen Jim Vandehei, John F. Harris, Mike Allen Wed Feb 4, 5:56 am ET

Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that there is a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the Obama administration’s policies will make it more likely the attempt will succeed.

In an interview Tuesday with Politico, Cheney unyieldingly defended the Bush administration’s support for the Guantanamo Bay prison and coercive interrogation of terrorism suspects.

And he asserted that President Obama will either backtrack on his stated intentions to end those policies or put the country at risk in ways more severe than most Americans — and, he charged, many members of Obama’s own team — understand.

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.

Protecting the country’s security is “a tough, mean, dirty, nasty business,” he said. “These are evil people. And we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek.”

Citing intelligence reports, Cheney said........................http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20090204/pl_politico/18390
Private Message Reply: 21 - 102
February 4, 2009, 1:58pm Report to Moderator
Guest User
this evil man wants to hurt people and remove the rights. In Europe and back in the old country we dont have to worry about the losing of rights like we do here with the repubs who want to just hurt and / or do the killing of people over here. enough is enough fanapoli Cheaney already fanopoli!
E-mail Reply: 22 - 102
February 4, 2009, 2:57pm Report to Moderator
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Sal....guess what....when you are a baby other people change your pants, tell you what to eat, where to go and what to think.....when you are old it is
the same all over again execpt the thinking part because by then us poor old seniors are already indoctrinated.......you should go back to the
old country where the gumbas will wipe your butt for you......what rights are you missing here?

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 23 - 102
February 4, 2009, 3:03pm Report to Moderator
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under that rotten bush if I picked up the phone he would be wire taping me and listening in even though I did no wrong and am a true conserv and patriotic american but because my parents were from the old country he made everone who wasnt an english or an irish a suspected killer but him and cheaney thought it ok to kill kill kill torture torture torture didnt they?
E-mail Reply: 24 - 102
February 4, 2009, 3:04pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
under that rotten bush if I picked up the phone he would be wire taping me and listening in even though I did no wrong and am a true conserv and patriotic american but because my parents were from the old country he made everone who wasnt an english or an irish a suspected killer but him and cheaney thought it ok to kill kill kill torture torture torture didnt they?

Sounds like you're talking about the average police officer......and the fight between the McCoys and the Gumbas.......

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 25 - 102
February 4, 2009, 3:07pm Report to Moderator
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Sal...you are one of the line drawers here......you're a class/age/sex/party separater...the only thing that seems to make you 'equalize' is $$$$$$

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 26 - 102
February 4, 2009, 9:05pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Daniel Pearl and the Normalization of Evil
When will our luminaries stop making excuses for terror?


This week marks the seventh anniversary of the murder of our son, former Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. My wife Ruth and I wonder: Would Danny have believed that today's world emerged after his tragedy?

The answer does not come easily. Danny was an optimist, a true believer in the goodness of mankind. Yet he was also a realist, and would not let idealism bend the harshness of facts.

Neither he, nor the millions who were shocked by his murder, could have possibly predicted that seven years later his abductor, Omar Saeed Sheikh, according to several South Asian reports, would be planning terror acts from the safety of a Pakistani jail. Or that his murderer, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, now in Guantanamo, would proudly boast of his murder in a military tribunal in March 2007 to the cheers of sympathetic jihadi supporters. Or that this ideology of barbarism would be celebrated in European and American universities, fueling rally after rally for Hamas, Hezbollah and other heroes of "the resistance." Or that another kidnapped young man, Israeli Gilad Shalit, would spend his 950th day of captivity with no Red Cross visitation while world leaders seriously debate whether his kidnappers deserve international recognition.

No. Those around the world who mourned for .......................http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123362422088941893.html
Private Message Reply: 27 - 102
February 5, 2009, 9:26am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Top 10 Reasons Gitmo Should Be on Alcatraz

by Chuck Norris (more by this author)
Posted 02/03/2009 ET
Updated 02/03/2009 ET

When I heard about the possibility that the terrorist detention camp at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) will move to Alcatraz Island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, I got excited. Ideas from economic stimuli to renewed patriotism started flooding my mind.

Here are the top 10 reasons I believe Gitmo should be moved to Alcatraz:

10. D-Block. Not the hip-hop group, but the row of solitary confinement cells at Alcatraz. Need I say more? (Of course, "Gitmo and the Golden Gates" might make a hit rap song, too.)

9. It is rumored that "Dirty Harry" (Clint Eastwood's notoriously tough San Francisco cop character) still roams the streets with his .44 Magnum. Would terrorists really try to escape if he were across the bay? Do they feel that lucky? Well, do they?

8. It would give Congress something better on which to spend those hundreds of billions of dollars in bailout money than the absolute waste of more Wall Street bonuses and partisan pork.

7. My buddy the Governator needs a bailout, and the new "Hasta la Vista, Alcatraz" tour could be a gigantic boost for California tourism.

6. It's about time for a sequel to "Escape From Alcatraz," called "Bet Your A-- That You Better Stay on 'The Rock.'"

5. Tony Bennett wants to produce his new smash single, "I Left My Terrorist in San Francisco."

4. The only text in the prison library and school would be my latest book, "Black Belt Patriotism -- How to Reawaken America," with daily memory tests to see whether the detainees can recite the appendices containing the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and the Ten Commandments.

3. Because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was a big advocate for Gitmo's closing and seeing as her district includes Alcatraz Island, let her deal with its aftermath. Pelosi even could help guard the captives with binoculars from her San Francisco high-rise.

2. Recently commuted border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean need new jobs and are willing to train and head up Alcatraz's new team of correctional officers.

1. I'm volunteering to be the new warden, and I pledge to make "The Rock" a Chucktatorship.

Are you with me?

All joking aside, remember when America was known as being tough and compassionate? Will we now polarize from waterboarding to being pantywaists?

Do most really believe it makes sense to shut down Gitmo for world adulation, while we possibly put Americans at greater risk by relocating these jihadists within our borders?

Is Time magazine serious when it suggests six possible domestic military facilities, from New York City to San Diego, as the new home for these enemies of the state?

Was Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) serious when he told Fox News last week that he'd offer his own district as a future dwelling place for the 245 Gitmo terrorist detainees? He said: "Sure, I'd take them. They're no more dangerous in my district than in Guantanamo. … There's no reason not to put them in prisons in the United States and handle them the way they would handle any other prisoners."

Do Americans really want terrorists -- such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11 -- on our soil?!

In Robert Spencer's excellent new book, "Stealth Jihad," he documents well how radical Islam is subverting America via intentional and pervasive subtleties throughout our culture. Rather than crashing into our buildings with planes, they're breaking down every stratum of society using our tolerance and passivity. Rather than overpowering America through combat, they are influencing Americans of all ages by saturating the soils of our minds that there is nothing to fear from extreme Islam's theology or presence. We've shifted from protecting Americans to defending the terrorists. Our universally accommodative spirit literally is opening the doors for those who seek to destroy us, and Gitmo is just more proof of that.

While we worry about the way the rest of the world sees us, we are stomping upon the souls of Americans. Have we forgotten so quickly? Can our politicians not see? Have we lost our 9/11 minds? Gitmo's closing and future relocation reflects upon the families and friends of those precious souls who sacrificed everything on the battlefields of the Middle East, in the Twin Towers, on Flight 93 and at the Pentagon. We've memorialized their sacrifices; let's not bury their memory.

Private Message Reply: 28 - 102
February 5, 2009, 2:35pm Report to Moderator
Guest User
it was told to me by people in th e know this pearlstine guy was an agent under - cover from Israel trying to make trouble for the poor people over there in Packistan and was trying to work against them so he did indeed get caught so what?
E-mail Reply: 29 - 102
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