Conservative Party of New York State Press Release ~ January 7, 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~
For Immediate Release Contact: Shaun Marie January 7, 2009 518-356-7882
Governor's State of the State Lets New Yorkers Down
Ft. Hamilton Station, NY -- Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long reacted to Governor Paterson's State of the State today by saying "At a time when we're facing the largest budget shortfall in New York history, Governor Paterson, in his State of the State failed to deal with the real crisis: Spending!"
"In an hour long address, Governor Paterson failed the residents of this great state, by refusing to call for the necessary changes in the wasteful spending habits of the Legislature. Instead of reaching out to the Members, and giving specifics, Governor Paterson continued on the same spending mantra heard in the past. "
"Governor Paterson - Washington, DC can not bail out New York, our Legislature must cut its spending and unfortunately, you did not emphasize the need to do so in your State of the State address," Long concluded.
State Headquarters: 486 78th Street Ft. Hamilton Station, NY 11209 718-921-2158
Great press release and it is nice to see the Conservative Party take a forceful stand on the issue. I am in total agreement of their sentiments. In the beginning I thought Paterson was going to "take the bull by the horns" and reduce spending. It sure didn't take him long to become no different then the rest of them. I see NO spending reduction, only an increase in "fees" and taxes. If he thinks the reduction in school aid is going to save anyone a dime he is sadly mistaken, it will simply be passed on to us locally. Dumb a**!! For the record JoAnn, I don't mean donkey this time How does that go Senders? They drink from the same trough
Gov Patterson is a temporary seat warmer. He is finished in the next election and will not even win a Krat primary. His budget is a complete joke. He is cutting NOTHING and raising taxes on EVERYTHING.
Patterson can only identify 500 unnecessary positions State wide? It's all rhetoric and whistling past the graveyard. State Legislators should meet every other year like in New Hampshire. 75% of staff positions should be eliminated. The LOB should be closed and sold. All State Troopers must be removed from the Capitol. Patterson has increased his own police detail by 200 officers. It's all do as I say and not as I do.
Why doesn't some of the poor start to help themselves instead of looking for a handout. I believe giving a person a hand-up and not a handout. People making a career of drawing welfare payments must come to a halt. Now that the government is going to create all these new jobs maybe some of the people on welfare can get some of those jobs. For your information Sal many of the problems we face today didn't start with Pres Bush but started back when Jimmy Carter was President.
If they would make cuts to some of the welfare programs, then that would make the people more wealthy, therefore needing less from the government, reducing goverment expenses, getting the government out of debt. It's a vicious circle of savings if you start cutting.