But ultimatly she is just another poor frustrated American who is getting shafted every day and doesn’t have a clue who’s screwing her. Corporate interests and their Republican and religious fundamentalist cohorts will keep her fearful and distracted while they pick her pockets clean and sell off her grandchildren to China.
I think Barack articulated it best at a fund raiser in San Francisco. " And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Those silly uneducated middle American working class don't know what's best for them. Thank goodness for the Messiah, to guide those naive little children the way to the promise land. Spread the wealth, because Barack knows, you could never do it without the governments help. Sombody, if I were to guess, you're probably a public grammar school and state college educated person, that the likes of Obama and the rest of the Democrat elite would mock you and label you as one of those uneducated rednecks from upstate NY. Why? Because you didn't lead a life of privilege, and didn't attend those prestigious ivy league school. I do admire your class warfare rhetoric though, well written. |