People always have access----they just cant afford you, me or anyone else.....we all want to make a living....and a living we think we deserve.....someone wants to pay me $10/hour and someone wants to pay me $25/hour.....what to do what to do what to do??????hhhhmmmmm.....this is America....
someone wants to pay NationalGrid $100/month and someone wants to pay NationalGrid $500/month.....what to do what to do what to do.....hhhmmmm
we cannot afford ourselves and those in charge, whitewater/protitute purchasers/oil gurus etc......all want the rest of us to think in terms of "nice humani tarian work"........I say kiss my freakin' butt........
someone wants to pay NYS thruway tolls and someone doesn't want to pay NYS thruway tolls......hhhmmmm
smoke and mirrors........baaa baaa baaa...... |