SHAME ON US!!!! the state will raise the kids....there is no grass roots anymore......we are so expensive for us and so detached we cant even afford our offspring and cant stand to 'pass on the wisdom'---we pay other people to do that......the unions will love the at first-for the sale and all----
8-12hours a day with someone who isn't 'qualified' to teach/explain to our preschoolers the deep things of reason/wisdom at the very beginning of building the foundation of the next generation......or the fact that "NO TIMMY, THERE WILL BE NO DEBATE, NO TIMEOUT AND NO DISCUSSION, ON WHY YOU CANNOT JUST HIT SUZY AND TAKE HER HAIRBOW OUT OF HER HAIR. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME HERE IS A SPANK." (oohhh, did I just say that? That's not PC)...Not knowing a consequence if it hit them in the is a foundational learning that we have stove=burn...stealing=smack on hand......very deep learning that is not passed on in the education child 'care' systems---they are not allowed, the consumer is always right......
"my babies daddy is not here, someone needs to do it"--even the dogs discipline like this---where are the evolutionists(liberals) or even creationist(conservatives)---they both want the same outcome....
animals nip their young to keep them in line spare the rod spoil the child a father that corrects his child loves him |