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October 30, 2007, 7:09pm Report to Moderator
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Doesn't the church on 7/Duanesburg churches road have the famous bell tower???

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 60 - 706
October 30, 2007, 7:14pm Report to Moderator
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That's 20, not 7, but I'm not sure about the bell tower.
E-mail Reply: 61 - 706
October 30, 2007, 9:27pm Report to Moderator
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If my memory serves me, Christ Church, the one on Route #20/Duanesburg Churches Road was built around 1790 by the founding father of our town, James Duane.  That area was intended to be the "heart" of Duanesburg.  Still standing across from the church is another structure I have always heard was a meeting house.  The bell tower was added later, around 1810 I think.  It is a magnificent structure in all its simplicity.  Not unlike that of the Quaker Meeting House, although that structure is much more basic if you look closely.  There are members of the Duane family buried under Christ Church itself, and tablets on the wall to honor them.  It is a special place that never fails to give me goose bumps when I enter.  On the opposite side of Duanesburg Churches Road stood another church, the Reformed Presbyterian, I think it burned in the 1800's, they have worshipped at their location on Route 7 near Stewarts until recently when they sold the church.  Now they worship at the Holiday Inn Express in Schoharie.  The plan is to build another church at the original location(I think).  Hope this is helpful.  I'm not an expert, I have always loved the history of our town and if you need more info I know where to get it.
E-mail Reply: 62 - 706
November 2, 2007, 10:16am Report to Moderator
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To All Voters in Duanesburg.........In addition to the election of County Legislature candidates we also have a local race.  I ask that you get out to support Leah Lennon for Town Clerk, she has done a fine job as your Town Clerk for many years.  Rita LaBelle is running for re-election as Town Justice.  Frank Spor is the candidate for Highway Superintendent, and don't forget Rick Potter and Phil Carlson running for re-election to the Town Board.  
E-mail Reply: 63 - 706
Brad Littlefield
November 2, 2007, 11:17am Report to Moderator
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As you are aware, many of us in town have become very involved in supporting Carolina Lazzari and Angelo Santabarbara in their campaign for Schenectady County Legislature.  Their election to that government body is crucial if the Town of Duanesburg is going to receive just representation in the county government.

As you stated, we have a fine group of public servants who are running locally for reelection.  Although some are unopposed, the residents of Duanesburg need to show their continued support for the jobs that Leah, Rita, Frank, Rick and Phil and all of the other town employees are doing to make Duanesburg a fine community in which to live and raise a family.

In our efforts to identify and correct the problems in government, we often forget to acknowledge those who serve their constituents admirably.  Please accept my gratitude for the job that you have done and express my thanks also to the Town Board members for their leadership.

E-mail Reply: 64 - 706
November 3, 2007, 2:08am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Few takers in Duanesburg political races

   DUANESBURG — Not much is expected to change among Duanesburg’s government following next week’s election.
   All of the candidates running this year are unopposed for offi ce, according to the county Board of Elections. The two justices and the highway superintendent will be the only new faces in Town Hall come New Year’s Day.
   Republican Supervisor Rene Merrihew will seek another term as supervisor, a position she’s occupied since winning the seat in 2003. She is also endorsed by the Conservative and Independence parties.
   Longtime Republican Clerk Leah Lennon is also running for re-election. She is also running on the Conservative and Independence party tickets.
   Republican incumbents Francis Potter and Philip Carlson will also seek new terms on the Town Board, Both are also running on the Conservative ticket, with Potter receiving the an endorsement from the Independence Party.
   Republican Francis Spoor will replace highway superintendent William Grimm Jr., who is not seeking re-election. Spoor is also running on the Conservative and Independence party tickets.
   Camille Siano Enders will run for one of two justice positions with an endorsement from both the Democratic and Working Families parties. Republican Rita LaBelle will run for the other seat, with endorsements from both the Conservative and Independence parties.  


Private Message Reply: 65 - 706
November 3, 2007, 6:07am Report to Moderator
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If it's not broke you don't need to fix it. Good job Duanesburg.
Private Message Reply: 66 - 706
November 3, 2007, 1:26pm Report to Moderator
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I agree, but do you seem to hear a little discontentment in the writers feelings?  The Gazette seems to think that there should be a shakeup, maybe some more Dems running for things.
E-mail Reply: 67 - 706
November 3, 2007, 2:09pm Report to Moderator
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The gazette and the Dems would like to get some people on the board but know that if the people already on the board are doing a good job they haven't got a chance of winning so they won't run anyone against the incumbents.
Private Message Reply: 68 - 706
November 3, 2007, 8:40pm Report to Moderator
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A Choice is always good for voters.  
E-mail Reply: 69 - 706
November 4, 2007, 5:39pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 47
A Choice is always good for voters.  

Do disdain meant towards you Rene, and I totally agree.  People should have the choices to change things if they wish to.

I know that you have a very small community up there, but my only issue with this statement is that it's coming out from a Supervisor who is going to be representing a town again, without anybody running against her.  Now, I realize that someone else could have raised up and decided to run against you, which the fact that they didn't shows that they agree that things are going rather well.

In fact, in your end of the county, there's not many people that ARE being run against in order to be replaced.  Again, people could have rose up and ran against these people, but they didn't.  This hows that the people of this area didn't WANT another choice, but now, they are at the point that they won't HAVE another choice.

I wish that someone would run against all the people.  That way, once these people ARE re-elected, it would show that it was the people who came out to show that they didn't WANT the change, not that it wasn't offered to them.

Will the names of the people who are running un-opposed still be on the ballot and the votes can still be counted to show that people DO support those running un-opposd?
E-mail Reply: 70 - 706
November 4, 2007, 5:51pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
I know that you have a very small community up there, but my only issue with this statement is that it's coming out from a Supervisor who is going to be representing a town again, without anybody running against her.

What do you mean Bk?
E-mail Reply: 71 - 706
November 4, 2007, 5:57pm Report to Moderator
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I guess it just seems that the person stating it is saying that competition is the best thing, saying this from a place that there isn't really the competition.  I don't mean to criticize, it just sounds a little "off" considering.

It's just a person who faces no competition is stating competition is good.  

And again I say, if people wanted the competition, it would be there.
E-mail Reply: 72 - 706
November 4, 2007, 8:45pm Report to Moderator
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There is only heavy competition where the population is dense......working in a nursing home where you are roomed with a stranger for the rest of your life is very proving of human nature and living in close quarters with 'different folks' than ourselves.....like politics.....there can be no friction with so much space......

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 73 - 706
November 4, 2007, 9:49pm Report to Moderator
Administrator Group
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Quoted from Shadow
If it's not broke you don't need to fix it. Good job Duanesburg.

I feel the same way. Duanesburg seems to be doing just fine the way it is.
Private Message Reply: 74 - 706
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