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April 20, 2009, 7:36am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 78
Make a reservation a few weeks in advance if you want to dine there.


E-mail Reply: 570 - 706
benny salami
April 20, 2009, 8:16am Report to Moderator
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Yes! Especially in August when it is booked solid. They never advertise and rely solely on word of mouth. The Bears is the best steakhouse in the entire Capital District, forget about the County, where there is no competition.

    The of the owner is also a chef/instructor at excellent Culinary Arts Program at SCCC. Duanesburg has many hidden gems but don't tell the MSM-then we won't be able to get a table.
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Private Message Reply: 571 - 706
April 22, 2009, 4:46am Report to Moderator
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    DUANESBURG — The fifth annual Multiple Sclerosis Brunch will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday at the Hillview Tavern, corner of Route 20 and Route 30.
    The breakfast raises money for the Upstate New York Multiple Sclerosis Society.
    Tickets are $10 per person, and they can be purchased at the door. For more information, call Denny Durrant at 424-0860.
Private Message Reply: 572 - 706
April 23, 2009, 4:38am Report to Moderator
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New Duanesburg highway chief Perog deserves to be fired

    Here we go again! Duanesburg Highway Superintendent Francis Spor resigned after only a few months in offi ce because he decided that he did not want the job. He created an uproar by illegally contracting to have work done on a town road and by neglecting maintenance on other town roads.
    A special election was held to fill the remainder of his term. Steve Perog was elected, and it turns out that he is a “loose cannon.” Duanesburg needs a town highway superintendent that can work within the law, is capable of doing the job that needs to be done and is fiscally responsible.
    At a recent town board meeting I was dismayed to learn that Mr. Perog has been providing services and materials to private and public entities at taxpayers’ expense. It is illegal to use town funds to support private interests, and for the highway superintendent to enter into contracts without the expressed approval of the town board.
    At the meeting, the town board authorized Supervisor Rene Merrihew to send a letter to Mr. Perog, advising him that he was not authorized to provide services on private property, and that he was not authorized to enter into contracts with other public bodies — and to point out to him the personal hazards of his actions. This was after he had been advised verbally of the limits of his authority. The board also authorized the supervisor to send letters to the parties that had received the unauthorized services, or might be contacted by Mr. Perog, advising them that the superintendent was acting illegally.
    Following is some of the information:
    He had town employees fill potholes in the roads and parking lots of Duanesburg Central Schools, although the school district did not request the work and asked him to desist;
    in winter, he had town employees sand parking lots at the Duanesburg Area Community Center and the Day Care Center, although there was no request for this work;
    he had town employees haul sand from Gloversville for the Little League baseball field;
    during winter, he had town employees sand the lots at fire stations. All this was illegal use of taxpayers’ money.
    The services provided were a help to the parties receiving them, but it is not the town’s responsibility to provide these services.
    Mr. Perog [also] appears to suffer from fiscal irresponsibility. For example, he chooses not to buy equipment and supplies through the state, thereby costing Duanesburg taxpayers extra money. For purchases not available through the state, the town has accounts with local businesses. Rather than use these accounts, Mr. Perog chooses to charge the purchases on his own credit card, then submit a voucher to the town for reimbursement. Why? Maybe it’s because he accumulates free airline miles by using his personal card.
    It is not a stretch of imagination to see that Mr. Perog provided these materials and services to gain favor from the various recipients. It appears that he is campaigning for the next election at taxpayer expense. The Town Board should request Mr. Perog’s resignation, and if he refuses proceedings for a recall should be initiated.

The writer is a former town board member and supervisor.

Private Message Reply: 573 - 706
April 27, 2009, 4:45am Report to Moderator
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Partisan politics behind complaint about D’burg highway chief

    In response to Robert Walls’ complaints about Steven Perog, Duanesburg’s new highway superintendent [April 23 Gazette], I offer the following insights:
    Duanesburg is a staunchly Republican township. Mr. Perog is a registered Democrat. This fact alone may explain a lot of what Mr. Wall is talking about.
    You just can’t fire elected officials. The people — Republicans, Democrats and otherwise — elected him fair and square.
    Politics in Duanesburg is a dirty, lowlevel business. I, for one, would like it all to stop right now. We need to start pitching in for the good of the entire township. When it comes to bettering the lives of our children, or our elderly, or our work-a-day families, political shenanigans should just get the heck out of the way.
    Mr. Wall complains that our new highway superintendent patched potholes at the public school so our teachers and students could have better and safer roads and parking lots, and then he sanded the parking lots at the Duanesburg Area Community Center so our community residents would not fall down on their way into the child care or fitness centers. He even had the audacity to sand the icy parking lots at the town firehouses so our volunteer firefighters would not be injured before they could even get to the scene of an emergency.
    Mr. Wall uses these examples to prove that the highway superintendent is illegally benefiting private interests for his own personal gain! Oh, and what else? He hauled sand for the Little League! Did Mr. Wall know that Steven Perog also invests countless hours of his spare time as scoutmaster for the local Boy Scout troop and is active in the local Lion’s Club chapter? What I have noticed since Steven Perog took over the highway department is quicker and better response to dangerous weather conditions. The roads get plowed and repaired, and debris cleared promptly If all our public servants were up to Steven Perog’s caliber, we would all live in a safer more enriched community. Shame on Mr. Wall, who puts politics before the people of Duanesburg.

The writer’s son is a member of Perog’s Boy Scout troop.     

Private Message Reply: 574 - 706
April 27, 2009, 5:44pm Report to Moderator
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Ya can tell it's an election year. Here comes the stupid mud!!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 575 - 706
April 30, 2009, 5:12am Report to Moderator
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New building at park ransacked, items stolen

BY JUSTIN MASON Gazette Reporter
Reach Gazette reporter Justin Mason at 395-3113 or jmason@dailygazette.net.

    Vandals struck the newly constructed buildings at Shafer Park again on Monday, just two days after the buildings were covered with graffi ti.
    Supervisor Rene Merrihew said someone broke into the storage building near the Duanesburg Elementary School off Chadwick Road and stole anything they could from inside. She said the missing items include a gas-powered weed trimmer, a saw and a variety of tools used to keep the park in order.
    “They broke in and stole everything,” she said. “They took just about anything that wasn’t nailed down.”
    The vandals seriously damaged the building’s electrical panel and grinder pump, meaning the building’s toilets will no longer function. They also broke into the bathrooms and ripped down all the towel dispensers.
    The $117,000 grant-funded project was officially completed and open for public use Friday, just hours before the building’s vinyl siding and bay doors were tagged with spray paint graffiti. Town officials were still trying to determine how much damage was incurred by the graffiti when the buildings were struck again sometime late Monday evening or early Tuesday morning. “The building is going to be closed until further notice,” Merrihew said. “At least it was open one day.”
    The graffiti prompted members of the Town Board to put up $250 of their own money for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the vandals. Merrihew said anyone with information regarding the incidents can contact her personally and confidentiality.
    Merrihew was uncertain how much the new damage would cost the town. State police are investigating the case and following several leads that came into town hall following the graffiti incident. ....................http://www.dailygazette.net/De.....amp;EntityId=Ar01501
Private Message Reply: 576 - 706
April 30, 2009, 6:29am Report to Moderator
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These vandals need to have the book thrown at them if and when they are caught and made to pay for all the damage that they have done.
Private Message Reply: 577 - 706
April 30, 2009, 9:40am Report to Moderator
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one of the problems over there is that they are repubs and dont have the laws to stop this kind of thing and in the country the people who are repubs think you can do and get away with almost anything
E-mail Reply: 578 - 706
April 30, 2009, 10:27am Report to Moderator
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No security cameras?
E-mail Reply: 579 - 706
Brad Littlefield
April 30, 2009, 11:13am Report to Moderator
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The residents of the town are contacting their town government officiials to volunteer both money to supplement the reward fund established by the Town Board and their time and skills to repair the damage done by the vandals and replace the stolen equipment.   The person/people responsible for the vandalism will be identified, charged and held accountable.  This is a small town where everybody knows your name.
E-mail Reply: 580 - 706
April 30, 2009, 5:19pm Report to Moderator
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Thank you for your contribution Brad.  Jean, Brad, and I fielded many emails and phone calls from residents who want to help. It made a horrible week seem a bit better.
E-mail Reply: 581 - 706
Brad Littlefield
May 2, 2009, 5:49am Report to Moderator
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My understanding is that there many who have volunteered to fix the facility.  Must first wait for the police to finish their investigation.  The reward fund for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those guilty of the vandalism and theft is up to $1000 and growing.  The perpetrators of this criminal activity will be identified and held responsible.    
E-mail Reply: 582 - 706
May 2, 2009, 7:22am Report to Moderator

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let's hope they or their parents PAY for the damage when caught.

"While Foreign Terrorists were plotting to murder and maim using homemade bombs in Boston, Democrap officials in Washington DC, Albany and here were busy watching ME and other law abiding American Citizens who are gun owners and taxpayers, in an effort to blame the nation's lack of security on US so that they could have a political scapegoat."
Private Message Reply: 583 - 706
May 2, 2009, 8:34am Report to Moderator
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Along with paying for the damage I would make them work right along side the volunteers that are going to repair the damage and let them work off x number of hours of community service assigned be the judge.
Private Message Reply: 584 - 706
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