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benny salami
April 18, 2009, 9:45am Report to Moderator
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Forget circles-now that Metrograft and Death Ray have been sighted in town propose a governmental gin mill in Duanesburg. That's always the tonic for town "renaissance".

     So what if Big Hose never opened Downtown despite millions in taxpayer largess?  Duanesburg will get 'er done. Then Death Ray can "work" on the major Sunday dancing issue.
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Private Message Reply: 555 - 706
April 18, 2009, 1:15pm Report to Moderator
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Don't make this into more than it is.  I approached Metroplex on this property over a year ago through our representative.  It is a piece of property that is in serious disrepair as well as the taxes not being paid since 1995.  We are looking for businesses to locate in Duanesburg and this project will give the town a welcoming appearance
E-mail Reply: 556 - 706
April 18, 2009, 1:33pm Report to Moderator
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you must wake up and realize that the best way to get the things done over there is to let the metroplex handle this or that and then when they do it will get the job done all under the one roof. People are talking about how it is doing the good things in the county and then you have to hand them the credit to for the work that Judy and Tony and Ang and Miss Savage have done which was very hard work and it has payed off for the people
E-mail Reply: 557 - 706
April 18, 2009, 1:35pm Report to Moderator
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No sal...it hasn't payed off for the people........the people have PAID and are pi**ed off!

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Private Message Reply: 558 - 706
April 18, 2009, 2:45pm Report to Moderator
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I know that Duanesburg as well as other towns, will eventually develop. Call me nostalgic, but I love Duanesburg just the way it is. It is still one of those quaint towns with it's own charm. In fact my husband and I are going to Gibby's for dinner tonight.

Please keep Duanesburg's charm while developing.
Private Message Reply: 559 - 706
April 18, 2009, 4:32pm Report to Moderator
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Development is a definately a double edge sword.  Anyone who thinks the town has not developed already doesn't know the town very well.  There is house after house after house lining the roads.  Development is development whether it be houses or businesses.  There are many who have lived here longer than I and agree that it is nice to have a bit of tax base along with the development rather than kids who suck up tax payer $$ through the school.  We have seen the development Joann, this isn't anything new. It would just appear that house after house is acceptable and unnoticed development to most.
I would like to see some charm in the hamlet of Duanesburg.  There is nothing charming about it the way it looks now.  You really just want to close your eyes and get through it.  That will change.....
E-mail Reply: 560 - 706
April 18, 2009, 6:30pm Report to Moderator
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We went to Gibby's diner tonight for dinner. It was great, as usual. I had the turkey dinner, which was great, and my husband had the chicken fried steak, which he said was great also. And we actually saw 2 people there that we knew. And the people sitting at the table next to us said they were from Rotterdam.

And even though the trees don't have their leaves yet, it it still one beautiful ride there and back!
Private Message Reply: 561 - 706
April 18, 2009, 8:12pm Report to Moderator
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E-mail Reply: 562 - 706
April 18, 2009, 8:36pm Report to Moderator
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Rene, please check your PM
E-mail Reply: 563 - 706
April 19, 2009, 5:39am Report to Moderator
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    DUANESBURG — The Duanesburg Historial Society will meet at 7 p.m. on Monday in Bishop Scully Hall, Delanson.
    The program is “Warren Liddle, Farmer, Poet and Local Historian.”
    The meeting is open to the public and refreshments will follow.
Private Message Reply: 564 - 706
April 19, 2009, 9:13am Report to Moderator
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Ya know Joann, you are correct that it is a beautiful ride through the countryside but the hamlet of Duanesburg itself has very little appeal.  It has fallen by the wayside in the last few years with buildings that are literally falling down and in great need of repair.  We are working on it becoming a place that we can all be proud of.  The particular property that I am working with Metroplex on is the worst one in the hamlet and probably the most prominent.  You surely must have noticed it when you drove through.  You all know how much I love the town and how much it means to me to have others see it in a positive light.  I did not mean Duanesburg isn't a beautiful town because it is....the hamlet needs work.  There are orange construction fences around the building that was the Countrymart, potholes that will swallow a pick up truck in the diner parking lot, and the house that I mentioned previously.  Not much charm going on there if you ask me.....it will revert back to its original glory, and very soon.
E-mail Reply: 565 - 706
April 19, 2009, 10:35am Report to Moderator
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Rene, I do know what you are talking about. When we went through the intersection where Johnathan's is, there is that building right on the point that screams of help. And it isn't just Duanesburg. We couldn't help but notice, on the way back from Gibby's, all of the vacant buildings (not just commercial) when we crossed from Duanesburg into Princetown. So Princetown has it's share too.

I do know what you mean though. We just see the scenic countryside.

Now my husband and I have a question. We were discussing this over dinner. Is Delanson and Esperance and Mariaville part of Duanesburg? And if it is, what county do they fall into? Please don't mind our ignorance, but neither of us knew.
Private Message Reply: 566 - 706
benny salami
April 19, 2009, 11:41am Report to Moderator
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If Metrograft is the solution what's the problem? Oh yeah, they might get a non-profit that doesn't pay swat to fill the Krat Centre City fiasco. Great work-Sal-after wasting $100 MILLION taxpayer dollars. Have you been to Little Italy lately? ROTFLMAO!!

   Here's another gem in Duanesburg-Jonathan's Pizza. Best pizza, hottest Wings and great burgers-bar with Country on the jukebox! During hunting season-patrons in full camo gear. Cold Lablatt's Blue! Worth a drive from anywhere. Duanesburg is the last hope for this County.
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Private Message Reply: 567 - 706
April 19, 2009, 1:16pm Report to Moderator
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JoAnn, Delanson is an incorporated village within the Town of Duanesburg, Schenectady County of course.  Esperance is a Town of its own and also a village it lies within beautiful Schoharie County.  Mariaville is also within the boundaries of Duanesburg.  It does not have an official status of village or hamlet.  interestingly enough.  Also the property on the point is the one I am working with Metroplex on.
Taking my mother and father in law to Gibby's for dinner tonight and yes, Benny Jonathan's is worth the drive from anywhere too.
E-mail Reply: 568 - 706
Brad Littlefield
April 20, 2009, 7:10am Report to Moderator
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Let us not forget the Bears Restaurant on Duanesburg Road (Route 7) just west of the intersection of Routes 7 and 20.  One of the finest meals in the Capital Region.  The Delmonico steaks melt in your mouth.  And, homemade desserts.  Make a reservation a few weeks in advance if you want to dine there.
E-mail Reply: 569 - 706
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