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August 30, 2008, 4:30pm Report to Moderator
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I am sorry to be confused but when I hear the police being attacked I get a little upset since they are the ones we all rely on. I am confused with this thing about sherrif and Schenectady police so please stop quetioning my sanity or sincereness on the matter indeed.
E-mail Reply: 420 - 706
August 30, 2008, 4:54pm Report to Moderator
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I believe there is an appropriate thread for the city police bashing as well as the Sheriff Dept. I would appreciate it if you used those threads. The Sheriff and State Troopers do a fine job for us in Duanesburg.  I would hate to have them hear of these comments on the Duanesburg thread as it is not the opinion of people I have spoken with in our town. Pappanetta, I can understand you have issues with the patrol of other towns and the city by the Sheriff's dept but that isn't Duanesburg's problem.  Take that up with the County Leg, they apparently approve of the practice and they are the ones who would have the power to change it.  
E-mail Reply: 421 - 706
August 30, 2008, 7:35pm Report to Moderator
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What part of my post is insincere?

A- That the road patrol cost more than a million a year
B- The original plan was to patrol the hilltowns
C- It is nothing more than a million dollar a year roving traffic unit

If you are truly conservative, you would easily see the monumental waste of taxpayers money by creating another department.

I like the deputies too.  Have them work for the local municipalities and save millions- then I would really like em.
E-mail Reply: 422 - 706
August 30, 2008, 7:38pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 47
I believe there is an appropriate thread for the city police bashing as well as the Sheriff Dept. I would appreciate it if you used those threads. The Sheriff and State Troopers do a fine job for us in Duanesburg.  I would hate to have them hear of these comments on the Duanesburg thread as it is not the opinion of people I have spoken with in our town. Pappanetta, I can understand you have issues with the patrol of other towns and the city by the Sheriff's dept but that isn't Duanesburg's problem.  Take that up with the County Leg, they apparently approve of the practice and they are the ones who would have the power to change it.  


If the town I lived in got dozens of troopers and 10 deputies at no cost to my constituents- I wouldn't be complaining either.  If my math is correct- you have more cops per thousand
than any city or town in the area and have the lowest crime rate.   I say no cost.  I realize everyone pays county taxes...

E-mail Reply: 423 - 706
August 30, 2008, 8:19pm Report to Moderator
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As long as you realize the residents of Duanesburg pay their fair share of county taxes then we both agree that the service does NOT come free of charge to us. I don't necessarily disagree with your post, especially concerning the redundancy of coverage in the towns and the city that have their own departments, I am saying that it isn't Duanesburg's issue as to how the road patrol is set up.  I believe that would lie with the County legislators.  I guess I take a very simplistic view of things, maybe its country life, but it would seem to me that there is definately enough crime to go around and the end result should be taking criminals off the streets and protecting citizens. From where I'm sitting it seems that the agencies should be working together to achieve this goal, who cares who does it.  If the road patrol is going to exist regardless, then use the hell out of them and get the best bang for our buck or should I say our million bucks.  I also recall the road patrol being established for the sole purpose of patrolling D'burg and P'town.  I don't think I was even elected to the town board yet, if I was, it was just barely. I believe it would provide 2 deputies and I think it is still 2 deputies, but I could be wrong.
E-mail Reply: 424 - 706
August 30, 2008, 8:24pm Report to Moderator
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this here is becoming confused. Are the deputies working for who? Harry? How did Harry get them all over? Can the facts come out here without any bashing of the men in blue please people? Papaneta you say they should only be in Delanson so why is that? How do the legislators feel about the price- I know Carolina was for slashing the deputies and it hurt her election. Some of my friends thought it was the town police she wanted to disband
E-mail Reply: 425 - 706
August 30, 2008, 8:24pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
there you go attacking the men in blue again you people act like anarchists and rabble roucers here. Leave the policemen alone they do a very fine job thank you indeed. You people are against the rights of the police over here and this will make the town backlash against you and Miss Rhinestone. STOP IT NOW and stop throwing the men in blue around like a political football for putting their lives on the line over here. Lazzari went against the police patrol and look where that got her. Other wise she was a decent official but when she went against the police it cost her the race. She wanted to take the jobs away from them and they all banded together righ- fully so. You didnt see Angelo do that and look over here HE WON with the support of the men in blue!

Just so you know Sal:
1.) No one is against the police, least of all Conservatives.
2.) Carolina Lazzari never opposed the police.
3.) The police did NOT support Angelo.
E-mail Reply: 426 - 706
August 30, 2008, 8:27pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 78

OR, perhaps, you are among
those who favor their replacement and use the absurdity of your posts to rally people to the cause.
This is exactly what he is trying to do....'stir the pot'.

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 427 - 706
August 30, 2008, 8:34pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
this here is becoming confused. Are the deputies working for who? Harry? How did Harry get them all over? Can the facts come out here without any bashing of the men in blue please people? Papaneta you say they should only be in Delanson so why is that? How do the legislators feel about the price- I know Carolina was for slashing the deputies and it hurt her election. Some of my friends thought it was the town police she wanted to disband

Carolina was for cutting the deputy patrols to the ORIGINAL TERMS OF THAT AGREEMENT, which was THREE patrols in Duanesburg - not
what now amounts to county-wide traffic law enforcement...at the astounding cost of a miliion-and-a-half per year. Demokrat Dirty Harry
of course got this courtesy of the Demokrat majority in the Legislature. And if they have their way, we will have a consolidated county
wide police force. All local control and accountability will be lost to the county Demokratz...another step along the path to socialism here
in occupied Schenectady County.
E-mail Reply: 428 - 706
August 30, 2008, 8:38pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
this here is becoming confused. Are the deputies working for who? Harry? How did Harry get them all over? Can the facts come out here without any bashing of the men in blue please people? Papaneta you say they should only be in Delanson so why is that? How do the legislators feel about the price- I know Carolina was for slashing the deputies and it hurt her election. Some of my friends thought it was the town police she wanted to disband

The deputies are working for Harry.  I do not know how the road patrol expanded into the other towns.  I would never bash any of the police departments in this county or any other county.  I have nothing but deep respect and admiration for all of the departments.  Schenectady PD in particular has taken a beating and as with every other subject in the media we probably never hear the 100's of great stories about the cops doing good things out there on the streets. Delanson is an incorporated village within the town of Duanesburg Sal.  Delanson is only about 3 or 4 square miles it could be patrolled in 4 seconds at 10 mph. I believe the patrol was set up like that because the county believed there wasn't a police presence out this way but perhaps Papanetta knows more about that then I do.  Carolina's concern of the road patrol was that it had expanded into the other towns when the original intent of the patrol was just for D'burg and P'town.  She was not in any way against the Sheriff's dept or the deputies.  She questioned the duplication of services in the other towns that already had police depts. She wasn't against the dept.  I campaigned with her and know this for a fact.  I am also proud to call her my friend.
E-mail Reply: 429 - 706
August 30, 2008, 9:15pm Report to Moderator
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Rene is correct.  Carolina's concern was the duplication of services.  The dems claimed the road patrol was for P'town and D'burgh to justify the formation of the road patrol and they continue to expand it while patrolling
the whole county.  It is a very costly unit that does nothing more than write tickets 99% of the time.  At some point legislators will figure it out.
E-mail Reply: 430 - 706
September 4, 2008, 4:51am Report to Moderator
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Duanesburg blaze displaces family

    DUANESBURG — A family was displaced Wednesday after an accidental fire at a one-story woodframed house at 367 Thousand Acre Road at about 12:30 p.m.
    Schenectady County Fire Coordinator John Nuzback said the fire started when a candle on the back porch was knocked over and lit some pizza boxes.
    Crews from five area departments were on the scene and got the blaze under control in about 15 minutes, Nuzback said.
    There were no injuries. Two children home at the time got out safely.
Private Message Reply: 431 - 706
September 10, 2008, 4:20am Report to Moderator
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Market’s closure the end of era

BY JUSTIN MASON Gazette Reporter

    After more than three decades of doing business at the Western Turnpike and Duanesburg Road intersection, Dave Vincent knew he was ready for a change.
    Sales had slowed at the Countryside Mart. There are lingering petroleum contamination issues from its earlier operation as a garage. These issues prompted the 58-year-old former county legislator to consider his options with the property. So in late May, Vincent decided to close the store, the fi rst of what became his half-dozen convenience stores.
    “It was a hard decision, but it was the right decision,” he said Tuesday from his second-floor office at the store. “We just had to pull the plug and move on.”
    Now Vincent is preparing to demolish the structure which has operated in the heart of Duanesburg’s small downtown for more than a century. By next spring, he intends to move his company’s headquarters, clear the land, remedy any environmental concerns from old petroleum leaks and market the property as a site for development.
    The market and service station were once a barn that was originally part of the old Case Hotel, which became better known as the Hub Restaurant. In 1923, the property was converted to a gas station and general store by Gideon Wilber, a town entrepreneur who would eventually help establish the Duanesburg Airport.
    For nearly five decades, Wilber operated his business on the corner, just across the street from his house. Vincent said the aptly named Wilber’s Store became a focal point for area youth, who would frequent the small shop to get penny candy, hand-dipped ice cream cones and comic books.
    When Wilber retired in 1970, he sold his property to a gasoline wholesaler in Cobleskill, which then leased the shop to Vincent’s mother, Esther. But three years after his mother took it over, the quaint general store struggled.
    The cluttered shop wasn’t attracting customers as it once did, Vincent recalled. So after his mother was elected town clerk in 1973, he agreed to take over her store, modernize it and clear its debt.
    Vincent then was a recent graduate of the University of Rochester who never bothered taking a business class. But the lack of book smarts in business didn’t keep him from making savvy decisions.
    “Almost right away, it became successful,” he said. “It was far more than a typical convenience store.”
    Within four years of taking over the business, Vincent was buying the property and expanding. His success at the corner led to his opening five additional Country Mart locations, which would eventually produce annual sales of more than $10 million.
    But the completion of the Rotterdam Square mall and proliferation of big box retailers during the 1990s left Vincent with a dwindling pool of employees and customers.
    “The business just kind of wore itself out,” he said. “We’re too close to the big boxes and a place like this can’t depend on incidental customers.”
    Today, glancing at the signs hanging over the front atrium of the Countryside Mart is a trip through the modern history of the bustling intersection. Vincent still proudly displays one of the aluminum arrows Wilber once posted around town, pointing customers to the business, and a commemorative front license plate celebrating Duanesburg’s bicentennial in 1965.
    Vincent also holds photos that show the shop during its heyday — from when gas was 19 cents a gallon in 1927 to when he was working the grocery checkout in 1980. Though he would have preferred to keep the structure, he said it simply didn’t make any economic sense.
    And while its impending destruction might strike a bittersweet note for some, Vincent said he’s ready to move on. Most of all, he doesn’t want the 2 1 /2-acre lot to stay vacant for long.
    “I want to get on with its future as quick as possible,” he said.

Dave Vincent stands in front of the Countryside Mart on Route 7 in Duanesburg on Tuesday.

PHOTO PROVIDED The Countryside Mart on Route 7 and Route 20 in Duanesburg is shown in this vintage photograph.

Private Message Reply: 432 - 706
September 10, 2008, 4:23am Report to Moderator
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    DELANSON — The Duanesburg Historical Society will hold their next meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at Bishop Scully Hall.
    Guest Speaker, Carole De Foreste will talk about, “Mulford DeForeste — A Soldier’s Story.”
Private Message Reply: 433 - 706
September 10, 2008, 7:57pm Report to Moderator
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this Mr vincent is a remarkabal man indeed and has lots of clout over there in the country side, doesnt he indeed Rene?
E-mail Reply: 434 - 706
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