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August 18, 2008, 5:24pm Report to Moderator
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so duanesburg not part of delansen or Prince-town? Renee I thought that you were mayor of Delansen {??}
E-mail Reply: 390 - 706
Kevin March
August 18, 2008, 7:00pm Report to Moderator

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That makes some sense, but the church is well before you get out to Mariaville.  In fact, it's before you get out to North Kelley, after Putnam, isn't it? (upon verification, it's between the 2 ends of Putnam Road).  And I think the Mariaville town line is actually all the way out at Lake Road.  At least that's how I thought it was.  

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Site Private Message YIM Reply: 391 - 706
August 18, 2008, 7:17pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
especially this year with the conservs AND THOSE demos coming for you
Sal...there ya go again!! No one is going after anyone for heaven's sake. Geeesssshhhh!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 392 - 706
August 18, 2008, 9:24pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
so duanesburg not part of delansen or Prince-town? Renee I thought that you were mayor of Delansen {??}

Delanson is an incorporated village within the town of Duanesburg.  It has its own government seperate from the town of Duanesburg.
The Mayor of Delanson is Sally Burns, a wonderful woman I enjoy working very closely with.  We help eachother out all the time.  I am
the Supervisor of the town of Duanesburg.

Princetown is a town within itself, no different than Rotterdam or Glenville.  It too is seperate from the town of Duanesburg.  It has its
own government.
E-mail Reply: 393 - 706
Kevin March
August 18, 2008, 9:26pm Report to Moderator

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So, do the people of Delanson vote for both Mayor of Delanson and the Supervisor of Duanesburg?  Just trying to understand the government structure.

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Site Private Message YIM Reply: 394 - 706
August 18, 2008, 9:31pm Report to Moderator
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Yes, they vote for both of us.  Its interesting to note that the village does not utilize the Republican/Democrat lines.  They made up some party names
that they run on.  They try to distance themselves from the politics of the rest of the world.  I guess.
E-mail Reply: 395 - 706
August 20, 2008, 6:05pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from 191
So now the town mayor is saying that their is lawbreaking going on in the town and she is doing nothing about it. this will show up on the demos literature when they go door to door in delanson and princetown during the election in a few months so you better be careful what ya say here, Mayor, please. they will be printing it out and sending it to people and saying you support the law - breaking indeed. Over here in Rotterdam we dont have the problem since we have the excellent policemen in blue.

It is up to the town residents to want to live like Rotterdam with small slow roads and MILES of stop signs and traffic lights.....the object
of living in the country is not carrying who the hell is driving down the road---until you meet them at the local watering hole at which time
you can kick their butt for speeding....or maybe throw hot coffee at them when you meet at stewarts......

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 396 - 706
August 20, 2008, 8:05pm Report to Moderator
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I think that Duanesburg is a little more civilized than that Senders.
Private Message Reply: 397 - 706
August 20, 2008, 9:37pm Report to Moderator
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Yes, JoAnn you are right.  We prefer the law to take care of such things.  I will admit one time I took the "law" into my own hands.... In the past, on hot garbage pick up days I would leave a cooler with cold soda's out for the garbage men.  They really enjoyed it and I'm told they
looked forward to it.  One day I was out mowing the lawn and I noticed a brown car stop
out front and steal the cooler.   I mow two acres or so and it took me a few minutes to get off
the mower, put the dog in, and get in my vehicle.  I chased them and thought I caught up to
them several miles down a couple of back roads.  I saw a brown car pulling into a driveway.  I
pulled in behind them and accused the guy and his wife of stealing the cooler.  Turned out, it
was Billy Barnes daughter.  Billy was a local fixture in town for years as a state trooper, later he
made a name for himself as a BCI investigator and even later as our county sheriff.  I knew
him and his daughter for many years, very well respected etc.  Needless to say they were not
the ones who stole the cooler, I was pretty embarassed and never did anything like that again.
Fortunately they thought it was funny and suggested I call her father for a thorough investigation into the matter.  Yup, stuff like that is better left to the professionals.
E-mail Reply: 398 - 706
August 21, 2008, 8:47am Report to Moderator
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I would have shotgunned them since when one lives in the country as do you folks there in Dunaesburg then one must have a shotgun handy at all times.
E-mail Reply: 399 - 706
August 21, 2008, 9:37am Report to Moderator
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A shotgun is generally not required in Duanesburg.  I would indeed save that analogy for the bigger cities.  How many times do you read or hear of shootings, home invasions, drug deals gone wrong and prostitution rings busted in Duanesburg.  I can safely say pretty close to never.
E-mail Reply: 400 - 706
Brad Littlefield
August 21, 2008, 10:21am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Quoted from Rene:
... I have to disagree with you on this one Kevin.  I am out and about on our roads every day and frequently see both the Troopers and the Sheriffs on our roads.  Not just at Dunkin Donuts either

I agree w/ Rene.  The State Troopers and Sheriff Deputies do have a presence in Duanesburg.  They can regularly be seen patroling the more heavily travelled roads in town (Routes 7, 20, 159).  Several Sheriff Deputies live in the Town of Duanesburg.  
E-mail Reply: 401 - 706
August 21, 2008, 1:56pm Report to Moderator
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I indeed meant to shoot at and near varmints and such like coy - dogs and foxes and raccons that can be a nuisance in the country. Why did you over there think it was a slur?
E-mail Reply: 402 - 706
August 21, 2008, 2:17pm Report to Moderator
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I didn't think it was a slur......but I thought you were referring to going after people for doing something wrong, not animals.  My mistake.
E-mail Reply: 403 - 706
August 21, 2008, 4:38pm Report to Moderator
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My point was that living very far apart for the most part leads to open roads....it wasn't a dig.....it was a perspective......

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 404 - 706
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