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June 19, 2008, 8:38pm Report to Moderator
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Bob no change Godlewski, may have his eye on a seat on the county legislature. He may be eyeing Suhrada's seat and Judy will seek re-election to retain hers. Maybe?

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 270 - 706
June 19, 2008, 9:53pm Report to Moderator
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I think he (GOD)can beat Shrada (sp?) easy? Surhada isn't Italian and I don't think hes Polish and who ever heard of him before he ran, and he ran against no names I think when he ran before so even though Joe S is the most conservative of the un-conservative republicans we are stuck with, I dont think anyone really knows who and what he is-

+ when Surhada hears he running against GOD, he will be afraid since no one wants to go against GOD! All the cops back GOD too, and Surhrada isn't at any meetings or community events like GOD
E-mail Reply: 271 - 706
June 19, 2008, 10:02pm Report to Moderator
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Joe S is well known in this county ... he makes the best chocolate in town. He may not be Italian, but I bet he's AS "connected" as any family member I know.

I haven't seen Joe in a long time, but he's a bald(ing) imposing person to be reckoned with.  I don't think he's afraid of "God"lewski - or MALlozi
E-mail Reply: 272 - 706
June 19, 2008, 10:57pm Report to Moderator
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Well he doesnt have the police behind him 100% like Bob GOD and I don't think he has the relatives here. I guess he did beat Mallozi but he never beat Judy D did he? You are right he has a candy shop I know. I know of him as a conservative in a pond full of wanna be conservatives like Farley and Burmaster. But as for elbow rubbing in town and being part of the differnt cliques, GOD has the edge. Joe S beat Mallozi because she is a woman and a lot of people won't vote for a woman, that and of course the mulch they had delivered for free. I am surprised that didnt become a legal issue in a way considering what happened in Colonie where they had an investigation. But as much as I like Steve Tom. , he doesn't have the ba-Ls to ever take on Malozzi like Joe S did. There in I will give Surhada a lot of credit. But better he get sued than me since Mallozi has the cash to go to the supreme court if need be to get the record changed.

Bob GOD- he is the "watchdog" of the town board. Or once was until he chose not to run for that again. I think that people know of Bob God and they don't know Joe S. besides- who has more hair? he with the hair is the winner. Hahhhhaaa
E-mail Reply: 273 - 706
June 20, 2008, 4:40am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Thousands of bikers descend on town Harley Rendezvous clogs roads, helps boost businesses
BY JUSTIN MASON Gazette Reporter

    Kemp O’Connell had grown tired of the violence.
    The year was 1979 and the avid motorcycle rider was looking for a place to camp with several hundred friends who felt the same way about the fights that had plagued the larger bike rallies of the Northeast. That June, the motley band of cyclists settled in at the former Alpine Meadows Ski Center in Greenfield.
    Several years later, O’Connell moved the growing meet-up — by that time called the Harley Rendezvous and drawing more than 3,000 bikers — to 177 acres of farmland he had acquired off Batter Street. The event irritated town officials, police and even then-New York Attorney General Robert Abrams, who considered prosecuting O’Connell for violating a state Supreme Court order prohibiting the gathering.
    Frank Potter had heard of the Rendezvous prior to 1985 but had never bothered to attend. At the time he was active in town politics and was curious about the rampant criticism the gathering had drawn from local officials, who had abruptly changed the town’s zoning ordinance to thwart the event the previous year.
    “I said before I can complain about anything or anybody, I have to come see it for myself,” he recalled Thursday as he watched traffi c flow into the event. “I wanted to come and see what it was really about.”
    And it left a lasting impression. More than two decades later, he is the ringmaster of the late O’Connell’s legendary carnivalon-wheels, which draws more than 6,000 Harley-Davidson afi - cionados, other bikers and revelers from throughout the Northeast to the farm known as the Indian Lookout Country Club. O’Connell died of cancer in 1994.
    Now celebrating its 30th year, the Rendezvous is a landmark event that nearly doubles the size of Duanesburg for four days each June. Though some local residents view the growl of motorcycles and accompanying traffic snarls as a nuisance, many others regard the gathering as a way to fill motel rooms and cash in.
    “It’s great for business,” said Dave Pirrone, the owner of the Mariaville Lakeside Country Store, as a slow procession of motorcyclists and campers crept along Batter Street. “It’s good for the whole community.”
    Law enforcement officials have also relaxed their attitude over the years. Sheriff Harry Buffardi recalled the angst among police patrols ordered to keep an almost militant watch over the bikers pouring in for the inaugural Rendezvous in Duanesburg.
    “We did a lot of road checks with state police, stopping almost every bike that came into town,” he said. “We tried to make it look like a real symbolic show of force.”
    At the time, Buffardi said the attitude toward the bikers was much different. He said many feared they might terrorize the community or make the area a haven for unruly behavior.
    In actuality, he said the bikers did exactly what they had intended: They rode into the campground, had a party and then left three days later without problems. Since that time, he said the bikers have religiously supported local businesses, packed into the pancake breakfasts hosted by area fire companies and made themselves about as inconspicuous as several thousand motorcyle-bound revelers can in the small lakeside community.
    “Now it’s morphed into a situation where it’s like another day for us,” Buffardi said.
    It is not to say the Rendezvous is without its issues from time to time. The campers, trucks and bikes this year started showing up just after midnight on Thursday, nearly 18 hours before Potter had intended opening the country club’s gates.
    Heavy rains during the week muddied a field near the event entrance and forced organizers to slow the procession of motorcyclists and campers filing through the security check. So while Potter and his staff waited for the fields to dry, a nearly two-mile-long line of traffic formed on Batter Street.
    “I know some of my neighbors are upset,” confessed Potter, who opened the event early Thursday morning to help relive the traffi c. “Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do.”
    Those waiting to get in remained spirited, even though many had idled for hours. Some drank beer alongside the road, while others grabbed a few minutes of shut-eye on the seats of their rides.
    Batter Street resident Amanda Gardiner seemed unfazed by the collection of RVs and trucks idling by her Batter Street home early Thursday evening. Though she had never seen traffic as bad in her 11 years living on Mariaville Lake, she said the bikers never posed a problem for her family.
    “Unless they block the driveway,” she said.
    This year, the Rendezvous is also contending with a much larger rally in Laconia, N.H., which is historically scheduled for the last week in June. But in an attempt to draw greater crowds this year, organizers moved the event to coincide with the Rendezvous.
    Moose Jensen, a longtime follower of both rallies, speculated the move might backfire on Laconia. The New Hampshire resident attended the Rendezvous instead, citing the many close friends at the event in Duanesburg.
    “They’re not going to draw the crowd from here,” he said. “This is a far better time.”

Booming bikers
Motorcyclists travel along Route 159 in Mariaville to find heavy traffic on the way to the annual Harley Rendezvous at the Indian Lookout Country Club on Thursday afternoon. The rendezvous continues through Sunday.
Private Message Reply: 274 - 706
June 20, 2008, 8:11am Report to Moderator
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Did Bo0b GOD cruise in on his Hog to chair the event and take credit for the whole rendezvous? Rene? Has Bo0b GOD come out with new tatoos on his arms too?
E-mail Reply: 275 - 706
June 20, 2008, 2:50pm Report to Moderator
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I just came from Rendezous and I thought I saw Bob G. in the crowd sporting a leather and chains
Seriously though, I was doing a fund raiser with the ambulance corps and the revelers were all very generous and thanked us profusely for the service the corps provides.  As you know our corps in fighting for its life and Frank Potter allowed space for the fund raiser in one of the tents intended for vendors.  It was generous of him since it was space he could have rented out.
E-mail Reply: 276 - 706
June 20, 2008, 7:14pm Report to Moderator
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I met that guy Potter when he was on the legislature about a problem we had - he called us back and was helpful and we ended up going to a meeting and introducing ourselves to him after. Anyway to get back on the track, when the democrats really tarred and feathered him and said he was a who_emonger and all of that- they sent pictures out with naked women and terrified people as to what was going on(supposed) at the HR. It was all BS. I knew from that moment on that the democrats in the county were no good and that the way they treated Frank was the way they would act if they ever got the power, and then sure enough look at Savage and the county lawyer Gardner and all the nastiness (it gets no nastier than them) that is all about the county like a stench.

So Frank is a regular man who wore blue jeans instead of a suit, and he didnt have airs about him, and no- he is no who_emonger because he runs the HR. My brother in law rides a hog and he is not a pig, he is a gentleman and he goes up with his lady friend and there aren't orgies like the democrats told the people of Rotterdam there is. So thanks to knowing Frank casually at that time (maybe 10 years ago) I was able to awaken to the local political scene, and how viscious the democrats are in their hearts of hearts.

My best to Frank Potter!
E-mail Reply: 277 - 706
June 20, 2008, 7:33pm Report to Moderator
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I think that the HR is a great annual happening in the area. I rather enjoy watching them as they come and go. They may not be wearing suits and ties at this event, but there are some lawyers and other white collar professionals that enjoy their Harleys and come to Duanesburg's event. It's a good thing that Frank Potter is doing. And actually, he was not the founder of this event. He is just following through on a promise he made to the dying man who did start it. Good for him!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 278 - 706
June 21, 2008, 4:52am Report to Moderator
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Duanesburg Seniors
to meet at fire hall
    DUANESBURG — The Duanesburg Senior Citizens will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, at the Duanesburg Fire Hall on Route 7.
    Lunch will be served at noon. Members should bring their own place settings.
    Guest speaker Beverly Schilling will talk about identity theft at 1 p.m. followed by the business meeting at 1:45 p.m.
    Reservation are still being taken for the trip to Mount Rushmore and the Badlands of South Dakota. The cost is $1,050. Contact Kathryn Hellman of School Drive in Delanson.
Private Message Reply: 279 - 706
Brad Littlefield
June 21, 2008, 5:48am Report to Moderator
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Quoted Text
Quoted from Rene:
Interesting to note Godlewski frequents our Town Board meetings too.  I wonder whats up that sleeve???


I assume that you are kidding.  You certainly aren't naive.

My suspicion is that he has been assigned the responsibilty to witness your actions and that of your Republican dominated
Town Board.  The puppet master (Savage) who pulls the strings of the county Democrats is displeased with the actions of
those living in and governing Duanesburg.  

As for the sleeve that you illude to, do you refer to the sleeve of the arm that is up his back?

Of course, he could be attending our Town meetings in an official capacity.  Remember that he was appointed (not elected) by the Democratic controlled Schenectady County Legislature to positions on the:

  • Schenectady County Environmental Advisory Council
  • Capital District Regional Planning Commission.

http://www.schenectadycounty.com/February_2008_Main_Agenda_pXKDG.pdf.file (pages 44-45)

So, Godlewski is attending the Town of Duanesburg Board Meetings to "advise" and "plan".  

E-mail Reply: 280 - 706
Brad Littlefield
June 21, 2008, 5:58am Report to Moderator
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Chicken BBQ Fundraiser - Saturday, June 21st 2-6 pm.

Burtonsville Volunteer Fire Department
Burtonsville Road
Burtonsville, New York


Interstate 88 to Exit 24 (Duanesburg)
Right of exit ramp to
Left on Route 7 west to traffic light (at intersection of Routes 7 & 20) - Stewards at corner
Veer right onto Route 20 west.
Continue on Route 20 past Citgo station (Tiffany's) and Lucia's market.
Take Right on McGuire School Road to end at stop sign.
Cross over Route 30 onto Eaton Corners Road.
Continue past (horse farm) to stop sign.
Turn left at stop sign.
Cross bridge over Schoharie Creek.
BVFD is on the left at end of bridge.

It's a beautiful day for a ride into the country.  Come on out for some friendly conversation and great food.  
If you do, please ask for me.  I would like to meet you.
E-mail Reply: 281 - 706
June 21, 2008, 7:52am Report to Moderator
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Bob 'no change' Godlewski appears to be following in Tonko's footsteps. He attends all functions. Ya know, people to see, babies to kiss and hands to shake. But accomplishes nothing!! He's getting out there NOW to prepare for the next election. I believe that he is looking to take Suhrada's seat. God forbid!!

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 282 - 706
June 21, 2008, 8:34pm Report to Moderator
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So much to reply to, here goes....

Quoted Text
Quoted by MT: I haven't seen Joe in a long time, but he's a bald(ing) imposing person to be reckoned with

His looks strike me as being a cuddly teddy bear.  

Quoted Text
Quoted by Salvatore: Joe S beat Mallozi because she is a woman and a lot of people won't vote for a woman


Quoted Text
Quoted by Sal: So Frank is a regular man who wore blue jeans instead of a suit,

You will seldom see me in anything but jeans.  At a governmental intercooperation meeting on Friday morning Supervisor Quinn was teasing me that he was disappointed I did not have on leather to mark the rendezvous ocassion

And last but not least my husband and I ride a Harley Road King.
E-mail Reply: 283 - 706
June 21, 2008, 8:44pm Report to Moderator
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And now for you Brad,  first of all you know I just fell off the turnip truck yesterday, I am very naive.  I don't understand any of this stuff
How could anyone be displeased with my governing?  I simply do the best I can for our residents in town.  They are the ones that vote for me........or not.  I think they are keeping an eye on some of the disident residents that I hear are causing a ruckus.
I really like the sleeve up his back comment, that was a good one.
I had forgotten about the prestigous positions he was appointed to, thanks for the reminder.

The chicken bar b cue was excellent.  My good friend George Gross is in charge of chicken.  I will bet everyone on this forum came to the fundraiser but were embarassed to introduce themselves to you because of the sign on your chest and silly looking cap on your head that read "Cole Slaw Flinger In Training"  I'm hoping you have it mastered before the pig roast in August and they are able to remove the sign.  Please remember next time not to plunk my bun in my beans.  (That didn't even sound right) I hate when my food touches.
It was a great event, thank you for taking your time to volunteer with the fire department Brad.
E-mail Reply: 284 - 706
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