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January 11, 2008, 11:00am Report to Moderator
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Is there anything that Ms. Dagostino can do to revert the hours back at the library? Or is this the way it will remain?

It appeared to me it is written into the budget and not much chance of being changed.  I was told I should have attended the budget public hearings.  I thought that was why we had representatives on the legislature, to fight for us.  Most weeks I have meetings I need to attend in the evening every single night except Friday. I can't usually make the county meetings as my responsibility to Duanesburg comes first.  It seems odd that a short time ago the county legislators were tripping over themselves to expand this particular library, now they are reducing the hours.  We don't ask for much out here and it seems the minimal cost of keeping the library open which is 15 to 20 miles away from the next closest branch is money well spent.  Especially considering they did away with the evening hours.  A resident stood up and said just that, and added perhaps there could be a reduction in the newly created $80,000 salary to cover the cost.  As I write this, I got a call from Joe Ryan about the street lights.  He said he has NOT been authorized to shut any off, but they are considering it.  We will work with him to see what is going on with the ones that are out.  I wanted to be sure I clarified that.  It was clear to me from last nights meeting that the people in Duanesburg are listening and paying a great deal of attention to both local and county government.  I was encouraged by the comments that were made on both counts.  Judy did not leave us a "happy camper" as no one held back their feelings on how Duanesburg is being represented (or not represented)at the county level.
E-mail Reply: 120 - 706
January 11, 2008, 12:18pm Report to Moderator
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I hope that people will see quickly that not voting for Carolina was a bad decision. Not that they would have listened to her, since they haven't in the past, but at least she would have fought the good fight.

I have to say that I have never understood the role that county legislatures play. Especially when so heavily politically sided. It would appear that Ed Kosiur's created job was more important than other important issues facing the TAXPAYING RESIDENTS! Let's see what Mr. Kosiur does for the kids in the surrounding towns/villages. Or perhaps it will all be directed to the city....

I'm telling ya, that they have lost their ability to govern the PEOPLE! I don't even know if they ever had the ability.

When the INSANE are running the ASYLUM
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

“How fortunate for those in power that people never think.”
Adolph Hitler
Private Message Reply: 121 - 706
Kevin March
January 11, 2008, 12:48pm Report to Moderator

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It's going to take getting a few elections going our way and getting the right people in there to get things done.  2009 is our next chance, and we can't sit back and just hope change occurs.

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Site Private Message YIM Reply: 122 - 706
January 11, 2008, 3:12pm Report to Moderator
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I hope that people will see quickly that not voting for Carolina was a bad decision. Not that they would have listened to her, since they haven't in the past, but at least she would have fought the good fight.

The resident I referred to earlier pretty much said the same thing to Judy.  He asked her why she didn't fight for us and continued to tell her Carolina Lazzari always fought for us.  I have to agree with him, even knowing she was not going to be effective she always fought for the RESIDENTS in her district.
E-mail Reply: 123 - 706
January 11, 2008, 3:20pm Report to Moderator
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I went to the Rotterdam Town Board meeting and Steve Tomasone read a letter that Carolina sent to him stating, (in so many words), that it was her pleasure to work for Rotterdam. I thought it was thoughtful for her to send it and for Steve to read it to us.
Private Message Reply: 124 - 706
January 11, 2008, 3:28pm Report to Moderator
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I read a similar letter into the minutes last night from Carolina.  She will be missed a great deal since she was our voice at the county.  Frequently she would call me to see if I needed her to do anything or give me a heads up concerning county business.  Sometimes she would just call to say hi.  She attended most Town Board meetings and aplogized profusely when she could not attend.
E-mail Reply: 125 - 706
January 11, 2008, 3:39pm Report to Moderator
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On another note, have you heard anything on the next scheduled sex offender meeting? Will there even be another?
Private Message Reply: 126 - 706
January 11, 2008, 4:23pm Report to Moderator
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I have not heard a word.  It is a collosal waste of resources of the county taxpayers to continue this ruse. There is no intention of attacking the problem seriously or intelligently.  I predict, regardless of the recommendations of this committee there will be no changes made to the law. If the county legislature were serious about the issue they would have scheduled more than one meeting within this five month period of time.
E-mail Reply: 127 - 706
January 11, 2008, 10:24pm Report to Moderator

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Quoted from 47
I have not heard a word.  It is a collosal waste of resources of the county taxpayers to continue this ruse. There is no intention of attacking the problem seriously or intelligently.  I predict, regardless of the recommendations of this committee there will be no changes made to the law. If the county legislature were serious about the issue they would have scheduled more than one meeting within this five month period of time.

Kosiur appointed to a new $80K position, Kosiur law still on the books, street lights in Duansburg being turned off, Duansburg library hours getting cut.  Welcome to politics.

Rene, I remember you stating that you didn't pay any attention to politics.  This past year you seemed to have gotten a crash course.  Pick and choose your battles.  Looks like the county Dems are giving you the squeeze. You didn't think that your public outspokenness, that may have caused the Dems to lose the state assembly seat was going to go unpunished?  

Judy Dagostino represents the party that puts her in power, not the people who voted for her.  Whether it's Democrat or Republican.  She has no loyalties except to get elected, and have control.  Make sure you get the message out that it was not you that cut library hours, or the light.  Lay the blame directly on your district county representative.  There is a lot of money in that little town, it just needs a reason to be motivated.  

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Private Message Reply: 128 - 706
January 11, 2008, 10:49pm Report to Moderator
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Crash Course???? You betcha, and I don't like what I see.  I did not consider any ramifications from my outspokeness on the sex offender law, I thought I was Supervisor of the town to represent the feelings and beliefs of those who live here.  I did and will continue to do the best I can regardless of who I anger.  As far as being punished?  They can come after me to whatever degree they feel they need to, I can take care of myself, but I would hope these actions that cause the residents of Duanesburg to suffer are not a result of my stance on issues.  I really hate and am uncomfortable with this whole conversation....It just goes against my nature.  To even have to consider what you imply is a shame.
E-mail Reply: 129 - 706
January 11, 2008, 10:55pm Report to Moderator
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Did I use the word "they"??? Thats what I really hate about all this.  "They".  It should be "Us".  We need a strong county and that includes all of "us", not just one party, not just one race, and not just one religion.  Why is this "segregation" acceptable in the arena of politics?  I've said it before, I'm a political moron and I just proved it with the previous statement

PS  Why can't we just all get along?
E-mail Reply: 130 - 706
Brad Littlefield
January 12, 2008, 7:08am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Rene:
... I was told I should have attended the budget public hearings.  I thought that was why we had representatives on the legislature, to fight for us. ...


I attended the public hearing on the proposed 2008 budget.  There was no discussion re: library hours.  There was no discussion pertaining to what was in the budget.  Only the ceremonial vote.  I would estimate that fewer than 10 county residents, other than those who are employed by the county and who attended to plea for more financial support for their departments, were in attendance.

Further, it is my understanding that the reduction in library hours was decided subsequent to the budget being passed.  I have been told that the cuts resulted from the need to create and fill the Youth Commissioner's (Kosiur's) patronage position.  I would suggest that you may want to discuss the timing of the decision with one of our other county legislators.   Though one of the four District IV Legislators, Dagastino is not representing the residents of the town of Duanesburg.  

As a Duanesburg resident, I am aware of your commitment to the town and its residents.  I also know of your full schedule of nightly meetings.  I agree with you that the role of our elected representatives in the county legislature is to represent the constituents.  If YOU must personally attend each meeting at the county level, then we should argue that the county legislature be disbanded and that Schenectady County instead be governed by a Board of Supervisors (similar to Saratoga county).

Lastly,  keep your courage of conviction.  Those of us who have seen you fight for the town admire that quality in you.  That's not to imply that you must be political which, judging from my view, you are not.
E-mail Reply: 131 - 706
January 12, 2008, 11:30am Report to Moderator
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Rene, I believe that the residents of Duanesburg know that you do rally for them. I also believe that Duanesburg has much influence in elections which was displayed in the last assembly race. The people of Duanesburg did not want the sex offender law to impact on their community and let it be heard with their votes.

Now they are being impacted again. And certainly not due to your lack of public opinion and community backing. They are far from stupid and see it for what it is. PARTISAN POLITICS!

The people of Duanesburg, as well as the surrounding towns/villages, must step up to the plate yet again in the next county election and let their voices be heard. Rene, you, Brad and I'm sure others rallied the troops. It appears that you may have to do it again.

Duanesburg has set an excellent example of what a town collectively can do with a great leader!

And may I add that I agree with Brad ~ "we should argue that the county legislature be disbanded and that Schenectady County instead be governed by a Board of Supervisors (similar to Saratoga county)."
Private Message Reply: 132 - 706
January 16, 2008, 5:33pm Report to Moderator
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Hillcrest Mobile Home Park evictions pushed back two months
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
By Justin Mason (Contact)
Gazette Reporter

The state Department of Environmental Conservation has approved a two-month reprieve for the Hillcrest Mobile Home Park in Duanesburg, allowing residents to remain past the original April deadline to vacate the property.
Spokeswoman Lori O’Connell said the extension until June was provided for in the consent order the DEC issued in October for the 53 sites located off Western Turnpike. She said the agency approved the extension this week after “finding good cause for the request.”
In December, park residents received a letter from Morgan Management, the Rochester-area company that owns the property, indicating the park would need to cease discharging from the existing wastewater treatment system, which releases treated effluent into the Normanskill Creek. The letter offered residents up to $4,000 to relocate their homes to one of three Morgan Management properties in Porter Corners and Ballston Spa in Saratoga County.
News of the extension comes amid rumors that Morgan Management is preparing to sell Hillcrest to a buyer that would fix the ailing sanitary system and keep the park open. Park Manager Richard Dickershaid said Monday he was aware of such talks, but declined to speculate if a deal was in the works.
O’Connell said any prospective buyer of the park would be required to demonstrate a financial ability to fix the sanitary problem before the consent order could be lifted. So far, she said the DEC hasn’t received any formal proposals outlining this ability.
Private Message Reply: 133 - 706
January 16, 2008, 7:27pm Report to Moderator
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In December, park residents received a letter from Morgan Management, the Rochester-area company that owns the property, indicating the park would need to cease discharging from the existing wastewater treatment system, which releases treated effluent into the Normanskill Creek

What about untreated effluent in high water table areas like Coldbrook and others around Rotterdam, some folks have gardens over this effluent, so I guess this make Rotterdam affluent?-or not----Where are the sewers for Hamburg Street??????

...you are a product of your environment, your environment is a product of your priorities, your priorities are a product of you......

The replacement of morality and conscience with law produces a deadly paradox.


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Private Message Reply: 134 - 706
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