Republicans... The party of No Choice, No Marriage, and now No Turning Off Your Cell Phone. What a Joke!
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith
Now we know what Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised Sen. Roy McDonald in their closed-door meetings prior to the same-sex marriage vote. McDonald sold himself, and his vote, for money from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others. We’ll remember in November 2012.
Regarding the new gay marriage law: While I will use my voice and all my efforts to help reverse this depraved decision, let’s be honest for a moment. Heterosexuals have slaughtered this sacred institution for many, many years now, with upward of 60 percent divorce rate in some parts of the country and no appreciable difference in percentages with those calling themselves Christians. This is, of course, no reason to allow this sacred covenant with God and an estab lished law of nature to be bastardized and redefined by mere politicians who are after all, mere reflections of us. Until or unless we can reverse this law, all of us who defend traditional mar riage would be wise to first get our own houses in order. Our attitude that New York or America is in decline is fl awed and always has been. I, for one, am pray ing for revival, and let it begin with me Lord. Our collective problems are deeply a result of individual sins and choices.
Keep the poor editorial responses coming, they really show how week the argument against gay marriage is. Probably the liberal media picking the worst arguments to make their side look better.
Boy have I become dependent on spell check. Perhaps we can get that on this site? if it's already here directions on how to get to it would be appreciated.